Indian Software Developer?
Looking for a New Job in IT Consulting Abroad
Are you an Indian software developer with 7+ years of IT development experience? Are you interested in moving to a new country and experiencing a new culture as well as new and exciting projects? Perhaps you’re looking for a job in Europe, maybe you want to work in Sweden? Then Mofit is the perfect fit for you!
Internationell IT rekrytering
Behöver du en IT utvecklare?
Vi rekryterar programmerare från Indien
Har du svårt att rekrytera högkvalificerade utvecklare till dina projekt? Indiska mjukvaruingenjörer är bland de bästa i branschen och vi kan ordna en handplockad och kvalitetssäkrad konsult på så lite som två månader oavsett var i Sverige du befinner dig.
Artiklar & inspiration
Sweden Most Reputable Country in the World!
According to the Reputation Institute, Sweden is the most reputable country in 2018. Followed by Finland, Switzerland and Norway. The Reputation Institute tracks reputations for countries, major companies and organizations…
20 Things to Know Before Moving to Sweden
Visa, plane ticket, job offer, they're all well and good, but what are some good general things to know for your first few months in Sweden as an Indian expat?…
Living & Working in Sweden
Arbetsförmedlingen, the Swedish Public Employment Office has a great video about working in Sweden on their Youtube channel. Also, one of the towns that you can see in the video…
This Is Sweden
Sweden is a beautiful country. If you get the chance you should go to the northern parts and feel the cold and ancient landscape settle in your bones. The mountains…
Interkulturell utbildning & samarbete
För att främja teamwork, tolerans och förståelse för varandras kulturella skillnader erbjuder vi interkulturell träning och utbildning för företag som arbetar med internationell personal såväl som för utländska konsulter.